“Made in Ilva” inaugurates the 5th edition of “Schegge”.
[…]Made in Ilva- the Contemporary Hermit, by Instabili Vaganti Company, introduces the 5th edition of Torino’s “Schegge al Cubo Festival”. […]
Based on the diary and on other depositions of Ilva’s ironworks, the Contemporary Hermits talks about the true story of the biggest european steel plant [in Taranto].
The hole city and the ironworkers, wrapped between the disire to go away and the necessity to remain and work, are all represented in the assolo performance of Nicola Pianzola. He carries his body to extremes through acrobatic and ripetitive movements, associated with obsessive sounds and with a persuasive voice which command him “Work! Produce! Operate! Make!”[…]
Since nowdays it’s impossible to find neither actors who don’t study the body nor dancers who don’t study acting techniques, Made in Ilva, “irrespecting” of old definitions and overshooting limits between different art categories, is a current performance from an artistic point of view. And, of course, from a socio-political point of view too.
The Instabili Vaganti Company dosn’t abandon its “first love”, the proper theatre, but the company, in its performance’s composition, combines dance actions, attention for the lights and an accurate management of space and objects.
So, we can say that Made in Ilva is a very contemporary performance in its conception, also because Made in Ilva accord again to theatre his value of ritual in which people learn by astonishing.