21 March 2018 Review by Ashok Atreya – Jaipur Theatre Critic

MADE IN ILVA The Ultimate Theatre
ONCEMORE….! …..Made in ILVA: The ultimate theatre….It was a horrible experience to see how the man is trnsformed into a machine and the whole human civilization into A monstrous industry or a factory through the proces of ”Brutalizaion”. An intense performance by Instabili Vaganti. The music sounds and lights etc all were aimed to create […]Continue reading "Review by Ashok Atreya – Jaipur Theatre Critic"

29 March 2015 Review by Neus Mònico Fernández for Teatre Barcelona

Contemporary and experimental theatre – Not to be missed
An other performance not to be missed at Teatre La Vilella! Yesterday we have enjoyed a performance that unfortunately is on scene for the last night today: “Made in Ilva”. I try to inform you as quickly as possible so that you don’t miss it, because is really the best performance we have seen in […]Continue reading "Review by Neus Mònico Fernández for Teatre Barcelona"

8 March, 2018 Review by Dipanita Nath for The Indian EXPRESS

One of the biggest steelworks of Europe inspires an intense piece of physical theatre, Made in Ilva
[…] On a dark stage, Pianzola performs solo under a swathe of light aided by nothing more than a ladder that becomes a metaphor for a cage that traps workers. […] When he called out to the audience, “Are you happy? Are you happy?” he got a silent response. “In south India, we were performing […]Continue reading "Review by Dipanita Nath for The Indian EXPRESS"

10 jenuary 2015 Review by Alan Mauro Vai for DMAG WEB

Made in Ilva – the Contemporary Hermit: the fable of obsessive work in Instabili Vaganti’s performance
[…] After collecting a lot of awards for civil commitment and for innovation, the fable of brutalizing and alienating work arrives in Turin, a fable in which the worker is forced to operate in a metal foresta as the iron plant. The dramaturgy combines some depositions of workers of Taranto’s Ilva, some parts of Luigi […]Continue reading "Review by Alan Mauro Vai for DMAG WEB"

1 december 2014 Review by Giovanni Bertuccio for WhipArt

“Made in Ilva” inaugurates the 5th edition of “Schegge”.
[…]Made in Ilva- the Contemporary Hermit, by Instabili Vaganti Company, introduces the 5th edition of Torino’s “Schegge al Cubo Festival”. […] Based on the diary and on other depositions of Ilva’s ironworks, the Contemporary Hermits talks about the true story of the biggest european steel plant [in Taranto]. The hole city and the ironworkers, wrapped […]Continue reading "Review by Giovanni Bertuccio for WhipArt"

April 2014 Review for Hystrio

[…] In this performance we can find videos, a voice-over declaiming both in italian and in english, a lot of actions and sounds becaming obsessive rhythm. Seated on cushions, the audience enjoyed very closely Nicola Pianzola’s performance, who was playing the suffering and sick Ilva’s ironworker, while the voice-over said “work, work!” […]Continue reading "Review for Hystrio"

August 2, 2014 Review for The Flaneur

Made in Ilva: Italian scandal and experimental theatre.
[…] The performance has developed into a combination of repetitive physical actions, like factory workers at their daily work. Sounds become obsessive rhythms […] the solitary worker tries to break the monotony of his life – but there is no escape. […] Pianzola sits facing the back wall on top of a 150cm high metal […]Continue reading "Review for The Flaneur"

August 5, 2014 Review for TVBomb

Made in ILVA – The Contemporary Hermit
[…] The performer begins with his back to audience, sat on a large metal stool and then the explosive performance begins. The stool elevates Pianzola physically but also acts as a claustrophobic steel cage, a levitation device and a means to convey the heavy iron industry that is being depicted on stage.  Video projections are […]Continue reading "Review for TVBomb"

August 7, 2014 Review by Diana Scarborough for BrodwayBaby

Made in ILVA - The Contemporary Hermit
In a fusion of intense physicality, vocalisation and performance, we open to a backlit monk-like figure chanting in Italian. A religious introduction to the story of a manual worker labouring in factory hell. Here, we learn that economical necessity keeps him there though he yearns to leave. […] Nicola Pianzola takes us on a dramatic journey. […]Continue reading "Review by Diana Scarborough for BrodwayBaby"